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Thiazine red staining is a reliable and rapid pos-mortem diagnostic tool for Alzheimer´s disease.Derivatives of thiazine, often referred to as thiazines, are used for dyes, tranquilizers and insecticides.
Thiazin Red is used as a counter-staining solution in Kit Fluo-Color for the detection of mycobacteria, also called AFB (Acid-Alcohol-Fast Bacilli), through the fluorescence staining technique according to Degommier.
Strong evidence shows an association between cerebral vascular diseases and Alzheimer´s disease (AD). In order to study the interaction of beta-amyloid (Aβ) plaques with brain vessels, we crossbred an AD mouse model (overexpressing amyloid precursor protein with the Swedish-Dutch-Iowa mutations, APP_SweDI) with mice expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the flt-1/VEGFR1 promoter in vessels (GFP_FLT1). Our data show, that only very few Aβ plaques were seen in 4-months old mice, focused in the mammillary body and in the lateral septal nucleus.