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Sewage Test Kit

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RXSOL Sewage Test kit have been developed to meet the requirement of Sewage test
Product Description: 

RXSOL Sewage Test kit  have been developed to meet the requirement of Sewage test.Each of the tests is performed simply without the use of complicated equipment and are suitable without formal training in water testing and analysis. RXSOL Sewage Test kit are based on those recommended by the Department of the Environment and the Water Research Centre, and accord generally with the methods laid down in “Analysis of Raw, Potable and Waste Waters”.

Secondly The contamination of sea water due to raw sewage is a serious health hazard, while in coastal areas sewage can also lead to oxygen depletion and an obvious visual pollution. The RXSOL Sewage  Test Kit was developed to offer offshore rigs and sea vessels the complete monitoring solution for their water systems. The kit will aid with the compliance of MARPOL Annex IV, especially for the initial/renewal inspections and spot checks for certification. RXSOL SEWAGE TEST KIT is very user friendly test kit . The using procedure of kit speaks for itself that the Kits and the results are acceptable to the Department of Environment and other authorities involved.

Product Application: 

The way a ship installation is allowed to process and dispose of sewage can vary from region to region, and because of this the operator needs to ensure high standards are always maintained.Vessels need to be compliant with regulations at all times, and with the help of RX Marine International  you can ensure you operate legally, efficiently and responsibly. Our sewage  test kits give you accurate information about the integrity of your system, and can give you vital early warnings about any issues which may be causing problems.

Our marine sewage treatment products are designed to provide you with the data you need in a simple and straightforward manner. Easy to operate and offering precision accuracy, they are a must-have for all operators.The tests that are included in the Sewage Effluent Test Kits are the following:

Chlorine Value
Permanganate Value
Suspended Solids   

Product Procedure: 

Usage :

Chlorine Value : Chlorine valu determine the 0-25 PPM

Permanganate Value - enables the Permanganate Value (PV) to be determined and the effluent classified as to its acceptability for discharge.

Permanganate Value Range: 0 - 30+

The RXSOL Permanganate Value test is a simplified version of the standard AO test for indicating the general quality of final effluents. The test enables the Permanganate Value (PV) to be determined and the effluent classified as to its acceptability for discharge.

pH Test Range: 4 - 8

Chemical and biological reactions at sewage works are profoundly influenced by pH. A regular check on the sewage effluent is therefore essential. A pH test will also check, for example, on the effect of acid or alkaline trade wastes in the effluent flow. The pH test is carried out using a Universal pH test tablet in conjunction with a printed colour strip.

Turbidity and Suspended Solids : 

Range: 5 - 500 JTU

The Turbidity Test is designed to give a measure of the suspended solids content of the final effluent. It is also useful in following the day-to-day variation in the quality of sewage and effluent. The Palintest Turbidity Test uses a specially calibrated plastic tube. This provides the simplest possible method of performing this important test.

Temperature Range: -10 - +50 ˚C

A check should be maintained on the temperature of effluent discharges and these should always be close to ambient temperatures. A check is particularly important on industrial effluents where heated processes are involved. We provide with our test kit  -10° to +50° thermometer complete . Replacement thermometers are available in the event of breakage.

Probable BO BO D, COD : 

It is possible to derive an indication of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) from the result of the Permanganate Value test. This is based on the relationship between these measures of organic pollution obtained experimentally for domestic sewage and effluents.

Product Note: 

Rx Marine International  has a unique product for sewage treatment based on liquid and living aerobic Bacteria, especially selected for the unique ability to produce enzymes which are for the degradation of sanitation wastes. This product is called RXSOL Zyme Micro Bio . It is an environmentally superior sanitation treatment and cleaner. It is fully biodegradable . It is non-caustic and non-toxic products which is very suitable to clean the system, mask  odour and prevent clogging of drain system.

Product Technical Specification: 

Product pack size: 
Product alias: 
<p> COD TK, Chlorine TK, PH Paper, Sample Bottel, SWG EFFLUENT TESTING KIT</p>

Sewage Test Kit manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Sewage Test Kit at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Sewage Test Kit in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

Product Delivery Locations: 
Kattupalli Port ( L & T Shipbuilding Limited shipyard ), Ennore Port ( Coromondel International Limited Port Area ), Chennai Port, Mugaiyur port, Thiruchopuram port, Silambimangalam Shipyard, Parangipettai port, PY-03 Oil Field, Kaveri port, Vanagiri port, Thirukkadaiyur port, Thirukkuvalai port, Punnakkayal port, Udangudi port, Manappad port, Koodankulam port, Chettinad Tharangambadi Port, Mathur SIDCO Industrial area, Sipcot Industrial Park Malayambakkam