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Extremely effective in removal of heavy accumulations of grease, oils, sludge & many soils. Supplied in concentrated form & effectively diluted with water for economy & convince.
Product Description: 

RXSOL-16-2060-025  is a unique formulation blended from inorganic, organic Compound and surfactant with powerful dispersing agent .Readily soluble in water in all proportions.pecially designed heavy duty eco friendly & biodegradable multiplication concentrate fluid for all cleaning & degreasing applications in maintenance and overhauling.its chemical potency it is extremely effective in removal of heavy accumulations of grease, oils, sludge & many soils. Supplied in concentrated form & effectively diluted with water for economy & convince. RXSOL ORG 7 can be used by  swabbing, wiping,spraying and .dipping method . RXSOL ORG 7 is non- corrosive to metal like copper, aluminium, Mild steel, and plastic.It is non toxic which makes handling easy. Functions Complete removal of dirt, oil, carbonized grease, heavy oil, gum , vegetable oil , Lube oil, soot , asphalt , carbon stains etc. Gives clear finish to the surface.
Due to its equal balance of hydrophobic and hydrophilic characteristic , this product is highly suiable for Industrial Degreaser, hard surface cleaners, and also can be used as decarbonizer. Popular and very versatile cleaning product.

Product Application: 

This is suitable for Degreasing and cleaner of all type of ferrous and non ferrous compound. It is ecofrindly and special designe for motor fleet.Treated for the really tough daily cleaning problems faced in the proper Maintenance of Industrial and Institutional physical plants. Can be used as a stripper for all types of waxes and finishes and as a Degreaser where regular cleaners will not perform. May be brushed on , sprayed or used in a dip tank . Excellent for use as a wash for fuel tankers & as a liquid steam jenny compound.

Product Procedure: 

Proedure Of Use :

1st Method : Mix 1 part of RXSOL-16-2060-025 with 5 -10 parts of water.  , For heavy oil,greasy surface use directly or mix 1:5.`Spray directly on the entire surface to be cleaned. This can be achieved by Hand spray / mechanical spray pump. Immediately after 2 -5 minute of spray the RXSOL-16-2060-025  starts its function. The Dirt, oil grease etc will loosen. 5 to 6 minutes after spraying start rinsing the system with water (High pressure recommended). Dirt and mud starts vanishing with cleaning media and water.

2nd Method: Application in immersion process with or without ultrasonic support, manual wipping.

3rd Method: 
RXSOL-16-2060-025  is also used in conjunction of degreasing bath at 3-5% (v/v) concentration for better and quick degreasing action. Eithers the bath is heated to be 70c or the solution can be stirred or air agitated.

Chemical Tank Cleaning



Procedure for Use :-

  • RXSOL-16-2060-025 is highly concentrate
  • Dilute in water as per surface deposition.
  • Diluted materials apply on rusted area for 15 to 20 minutes then wash off with water repeat if necessary. For stubborn rusted stains.)

RXSOL-16-2060-025 should be applied at full concentration  for heavy stains, or diluted to 20-50% for light stains. Allow to soak for 15 to 30 minutes and wash off with water. A second application may be necessary to remove the stubborn stains.

Spraying Direction :-
Using an empty / clean 210 liter drum, fill with 190 liter of fresh water and add 20 liters of 
RXSOL-16-2060-025  This makes a 10% solution, which can be sprayed onto areas.  Once spraying is completed, wait 20-30 minutes and fresh water rinse with lots of water, if possible use butterworth machines for a more efficient result.  This method can be used in stainless tanks to “freshen up” the look of the stainless materials.  Make sure to rinse the tank very well, as residual detergent within the RXSOL-16-2060-025 will show up in a Wall Wash.

Injection – Not suitable.

Re-circulation :
When hand spraying is inadequate (too much area to cover), prepare a 2% - 5% solution in the tank using fresh water, heat solution to 50o C, then circulate the solution through butterworth machines for 3 x 45 minutes drops minimum.  When using fixed machine recirculate for a minimum of 3 cycles.  Rinse out the tank using hot seawater 85o C for 2 hours making sure that there is no form remaining in the water at the pumpstack drain cock.  After the hot wash, the tank must be rinsed with fresh water and dried.

* Use a strainer at the pumpstack when circulating any solution.

  Tank Lining – Stainless / Epoxy, Phenolic

Product Note: 

Advantages: RXSOL-16-2060-025 is easily soluble in water Action is quite fast even at low temperature which gives advantages of cleaning under operation And avoid shut down and down time. Non corrosive to most of the metals / plastics. Gives clear finish to the surface.

Lower cost due to high concentration 

Fields of Application: 

Characteristics :::

  • Unique chemical formulation for cleaning of  graffiti from smooth and rough surfaces
  • Non- toxic.
  • Extends time between cleans.
  • Safe to handle.
  • Effective removal of Heavy DEPOSITS.
  • Can be applied by all normal methods.
  • Formulated to be very cost effective.
  • Does not contain chlorinated hydrocarbons.
  • Can be used on all metals & most painted surfaces.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Non-Corrosive.
  • 100% Active.
  • Does not require special feeding equipment for safe application.
  • Removes and cleans wax for surface preparation for paint, glue, and assembly applications
  • Cleans and degreases a variety of parts, tools, and equipment
  • Removes soot, grease, oil, grime, and diesel fuel
  • Handles tough automotive and transportation cleaning jobs
  • Clean heavy duty oily and tar deposits
  • Cleans and prepares material surfaces such as metals


Caution : Although RXSOL-16-2060-025 is non toxic & non irritant  material. Avoid directly eye.Contact. If contact occurs wash with ample quantity of water

Product Technical Specification: 

Product Properties :

APPEARANCE Clear  liquid  
Active Matter    100%  
Emulsifying Property    Good for emulsification of Oils , Gum , Wax, Greases , Polymer & Solvents ,   
Metal No known effect  
Rubber No known effect  
Synthetic rubber No known Effect  
Wetting Property       Good Wetting & Emulsifying Property  
 Boiling Point  104 °C  
PACKAGING Order No: RXSOL-16-2060-025 Size (in litres)
25  / 210

Product pack size: 
Product alias: 
<p> Nimble ECOWAY 201</p>

RXSOL ORG - 7 manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of RXSOL ORG - 7 at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of RXSOL ORG - 7 in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

Product Delivery Locations: 
Kattupalli Port ( L & T Shipbuilding Limited shipyard ), Ennore Port ( Coromondel International Limited Port Area ), Chennai Port, Mugaiyur port, Thiruchopuram port, Silambimangalam Shipyard, Parangipettai port, PY-03 Oil Field, Kaveri port, Vanagiri port, Thirukkadaiyur port, Thirukkuvalai port, Punnakkayal port, Udangudi port, Manappad port, Koodankulam port, Chettinad Tharangambadi Port, Mathur SIDCO Industrial area, Sipcot Industrial Park Malayambakkam