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Ice Machine Cleaner and Sanitizer

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Generic Name: 
Nickel Safe Ice Machine Cleaner

Nickel Safe Ice Machine Cleaner is Suitable to clean deposits of black mildew by killing bacteria & spores as well as mineral scale deposits.

Product Description: 

RXSOL Ice machine cleaner Formulated from nickel-safe ingredients. Nickel-Safe Ice Machine Cleaner is a specially formulated. citric/phosphoric product for removing scale deposits from ice makers having nickel-plated or tin-plated evaporators. Always follow the procedure and solution concentrations for your model when cleaning and sanitizing. The specific details are on the ice machine front panel label and in your models Installation, Use and Care Manual.

Product Application: 

Suitable to clean deposits of black mildew by killing bacteria & spores as well as mineral scale deposits. RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner helps for reducing the incidence of unpleasant black mildew by killing bacteria & spores, the usual source of this problem.

Product Procedure: 

Cleaning Procedure of Ice Machine Cleaner to remove Scale and deposits of black mildew by killing bacteria & spores...

Product Note: 
How to USE Ice Machine Cleaner?

Professionals Directions of USE:
Switch off refrigeration Unplug the SYSTEM from current and water supply. Remove excess of water from water curtain(s), water distribution tube(s) and other parts that may be scaled with deposits. Takes 100 ml of  RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner for 3 Ltr  of warm water in plastic container and immerse components in solution. Soak the components until they are free of deposits; for stubborn or thick deposits use a soft brush to help the dissolving action. Use above solution to clean storage bin, top, bottom and side extrusions and other components where deposits have collected, then rinse cleaned areas with fresh water. REPEAT the process if required.

Replace cleaned components and turn on water.
To clean evaporator as well as the remaining recirculating water system, add RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner to the water in ice maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If none are available, use 100 to 150 ml of RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner in 3 Ltr water in the machine. Allow cleaning solution to circulate for up to 10-20 minutes; it may be necessary to recirculate the solution for longer than 10 minutes to remove heavier and thicker scale deposits. Be sure all distribution and weep holes are clear.

Drain cleaning solution and flush with fresh water for a minimum of 30 seconds. After flushing, plug the drain. Thoroughly rinse bin with clean water after all components are cleaned.
Return machine to service; discard first batch of ice.
Product Technical Specification: 


Appreance : Clear Liquid
Odour : Neutral
pH : <1.0
Soecific Gravity : More than 1
Viscocity : 25 cps
Boiling Point : 108 °C
Flash Point : Not Applicable
Solubility in Water : 100 % in any ratio
Product pack size: 
Nickel Safe Ice Machine Cleaner and Ice machine Descaler available in 500 ml, 5 Ltr, 25 Ltr and 220 Ltr packs in India UAE Oman.
Product alias: 
<p> Ice Machine Mineral Scale Cleaning Liquid Nickel Safe 25 Ltr PACK</p>
Characteristic of RXSOL ICE MAKER Cleaner

Quick scale dissolver and remover
Economical due to its Higher concentration
Safe Ingrdient makes to  use in food areas
Suitable and Formulated for use in all makes and models of ice makers, including those with nickel and tin-plated evaporators.
Also useful and Functional in cubers, flakers, drum, and tube machines



  • Does not contain nonyl phenol ethoxylates or other estrogenic compounds
  • Non-flammable
  • Removes also  rust and rust stains
  • Cleans and passivates ferrous metal surfaces, inhibits further corrosion, and gives a base which paint will adhere
  • Removes tarnish from non-ferrous metals
  • Surface brightening including aluminium
  • Removes rust stains from painted, ceramic and wooden surfaces
  • Economical in use  

RXSOL Ice Machine Descalaing Chemical /  Cleaner removes calcium and mineral deposits from ice machines, keeping the equipment running smoothly and efficiently. This Inorganic acid based, low-foaming solution quickly and economically Removes Mineral Scale from all commercial ice machines. Regular use will minimize service calls and improve ice maker performance, as well as the quality of ice. Our product is safe to use on nickel, stainless steel, chrome, plastic, and fiberglass surfaces. It can also be used to remove mineral scale from steam tables and other food service equipment


Typical Recommended use dilution: 5- 10%  of Ice Machine Cleaner with water. Increase dilution as needed. Follow recommended cleaning procedures for each piece of equipment being cleaned.

How to Cleane Ice Maker Machine?

1st for Ice Maker Component Cleaning: Dip BATH process.
Takes 100 ml of  RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner for 3 Ltr  of warm water in plastic container and immerse components in solution. Soak the components until they are free of deposits; for stubborn or thick deposits use a soft brush to help the dissolving action

2nd for Circulation system Cleaning: Recirculation Method.

Use 100 to 150 ml of RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner in 3 Ltr water in the machine. Allow cleaning solution to circulate for up to 10-20 minutes; it may be necessary to recirculate the solution for longer than 10 minutes to remove heavier and thicker scale deposits. Be sure all distribution and weep holes are clear.

How Scale formed in Ice Maker Machine?

Dissolved Mineral or presence of mineral present in water is cause of SCALE FORMATION in ICE MAKER. Water tries to freeze in its pure state, while mineral present in water getting precipitate. As the cycle continues and more water is made into ice, the minerals over concentrate and eventually precipitate as a lime scale deposit.

Why Regular Cleaning of SCALE is essential from Ice Maker?

Continiue deposition of minearal scale, obstracting water flow from holes, which causes reduction of ICE HARVEST. Extra deposition of scale makes ICE MAKER jam eventually the machine will shut down. This is reason why Once the machine is scaled up, it must be cleaned.

Ice Machine cleaning Chemical liquid manufacturer and supplier in India UAE Middle East, Muscat Oman. RXSOL Ice Machine Descalling Chemical largest supplier in Barka, Muscat Oman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ajman, Abudhabi, Dubai, Nairobi Kenya Africa, Canada

RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner Compatibility: 

  • Compatible with
  • Metal: Chrome
  • Metal: Nickel
  • Metal: Stainless Steel
  • Plastic

RXSOL Ice Machine Cleaner most commonly used for: 

  • Remove Mineral Scale
  • Fiberglass
  • Food Equipment
  • Ice Cream Machines
  • Ice Machines
  • Ice Making Equipment
  • Steam Tables

Product Delivery Locations: 
Kattupalli Port ( L & T Shipbuilding Limited shipyard ), Ennore Port ( Coromondel International Limited Port Area ), Chennai Port, Mugaiyur port, Thiruchopuram port, Silambimangalam Shipyard, Parangipettai port, PY-03 Oil Field, Kaveri port, Vanagiri port, Thirukkadaiyur port, Thirukkuvalai port, Punnakkayal port, Udangudi port, Manappad port, Koodankulam port, Chettinad Tharangambadi Port, Mathur SIDCO Industrial area, Sipcot Industrial Park Malayambakkam