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H2S Vial (Bacteriological ) Kit
H2S vial (Bacteriological ) Kit is for checking Microbiological Quality of water. 1 PACK = 1 TEST
H2S vial (Bacteriological ) Kit use for checking microbiological quality of water. Water borne diseases like typhoid ,cholera, diarrhoea and jaundice and caused by polluted water supply. The conventional method for testing the microbiological quality of water needs the service of a qualified microbiologist , laboratory facilities and take 60 - 72 hours to know the result. And further the laboratory may charge any amount per sample for the test. The new devloped screening test , done at field itself, dispenses with all these problems and will cost & timing much less.
H2S vials test of water.
What is H2S Strip Test Kit?
RXSOL H2S Strip Test is ready to use simple device based on hydrogen sulphide indicator bacteria for carrying out bacteriological examination of drinking water. The Hydrogen Sulphide Paper Strip Method.
Method of Testing Water :
Dry and sterile media are provided in nthe screw capped bottle which are ready for use. Fill the water to be tested up to the upper level mark of the bottle. Shake the bottle gently. After 5 minute keep the bottle at room temperature of 30 to 35°C or in the incubator at 37°C or in curdomatic for 18 hrs. If none of these are available the bottle can kept in the pocket while sleeping in the night.
The following change may be observed -
1. No change in colour of water in the bottle / or Change in yellow ting - Water is fit for drinking
2. Water in bottle turn black - Water is unfit for drinking . Water may have disease causing bacteria. Hence it has to be boiled or chlorinated before drinking.
Advantage of the test :
- It is a field test , hence water sample can directly be collected from the tap.
- No need to remove the chlorine in chlorinated water since the content of the bottle instantaneously remove it.
- No need the messure the volume of water as the level of label marked indicated in bottle.
- The test is simple , rapid and inexpensive.
- The test can be done even by uneducated person in field.
Bacteriological test of water:
20 mL of sample was collect in a sterilized bottle.
A Bacteriological strip was insert with forceps into the bottle, below the water level
Close the bottle with cap properly and place the bottle inside a beaker with water at a temperature of 20-25o C (ambient temperature). Incubate the bottle for 36-43 hours.
Observing the colour of the sample inside the bottle.
Result: A black colour of the sample indicates the presence of coliform bacteria in the sample.
1st Treatment Method ::: Variety of disease causing organisms including bacteria, yeast, fungus, spores, and viruses growing in water. Drinking Water disinfectant easiest process is to add 1-pound of calcium hypochlorite in granular form in to 10,000 gallons of drinking water. And Calcium Hypochlorite is widely available for use as swimming pool chlorine tablets or white powder that is much more stable than chlorine.
2nd Tretament Method ::: Potassium permagnate for water purification. : Potassium Permagnate oxidizes dissolved iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide into solid particles that are filtered out of the water. And potassium permagnate is one of popular option to control iron bacteria growth in wells. After treatment with Potassium permagnate, The solid pricipitate particles are then filtered with a multimedia filter.
H2S Vial (Bacteriological ) Kit manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, UAE, Gulf, Middle East, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of H2S Vial (Bacteriological ) Kit at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of H2S Vial (Bacteriological ) Kit in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.