Marine ship chandler chemical Product Supplier Manufacturer In Chennai India

As an ISO 9001 certify organization, East India Chemical International In Chennai  India . is devoted to giving improved consumer loyalty and quality items intensely valued over and over. East India Chemical is a gathering of the RXMARINE International. 

ROCOR NB Liquid supplier Distributor Manufacturer in chennai Taminadu india

ROCOR NB Liquid is the ideal corrosion inhibitor for closed heating or cooling systems, such as diesel engines, compressors, process cooling systems, etc. Rocor NB liquid is one of popular cooling treatment chemical.This product contains nitrite and borate as major component along with new generation corrosion which makes new advance Rocor NB then others.Many experiment oroves that water of closed cooling system required special treatment to prevent pitting corrosion and scale formation.

Methylparaben, also methyl paraben supplier Distributor Manufacturer in chennai Taminadu india

Methylparaben, also methyl paraben, one of the parabens, is a preservative with the chemical formula CH3(C6H4(OH)COO). It is the methyl ester of p-hydroxybenzoic acid.

Other names

Methyl paraben;
Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate;
Methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
Nipagin M;
E number E218; Tegosept; Mycocten

Natural occurrences

Methylparaben serves as a pheromone for a variety of insects and is a component of queen mandibular pheromone.

