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Lab Chemical-60
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Product Description: 

Tris buffers are widely used for DNA agarose electrophoresis. The two main buffers are TBE (Tris borate/EDTA) and TAE (Tris acetate/EDTA). Although there are some differences in the resolution of different forms of DNA and their mobility during electrophoresis, these Tris buffers can generally be used interchangeably.

Product Application: 

Tris, or tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane, is a common biological buffer, used throughout the DNA extraction process. During extraction from any number of sources, DNA is pH sensitive. During cell lysis, removal of unwanted cellular components and precipitation, tris is used to maintain a stable pH.

Product Procedure: 

To acquire a buffering capacity it sould be in equilibrium with the corresponding acid which is the protonated form of Tris. Traditionally, protonation of Tris is accomplished by addition of HCl. pH of the solution decreases to the desired value and the resulting Tris-HCl solution is what we commonly call Tris buffer

Product Note: 

Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride (Tris-HCl) is a commonly used buffering solution. The role of Tris-HCl in molecular biology is to control the acidity and osmolarity of a solution. Due to its properties, Tris-HCl is often a component of lysis buffers.

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TRIS BUFFER LR  manufacturers, suppliers, exporters in Mumbai, Gandhidham, Kolkata, Varanasi, Visakhapatnam, Chennai, Fujairah, Dubai, Canada BC, Barka, Sohar, Muscat, Oman.
Lab chemicals manufacturers, suppliers, exporters in India, UAE Middle East, Barka, Sohar, Muscat, Oman, Canada.
TRIS BUFFER LR  is available in small packing as well as in bulk. Buy premium quality TRIS BUFFER LR and other lab chemicals from one of the most trusted brands.

Product Delivery Locations: 
Kattupalli Port ( L & T Shipbuilding Limited shipyard ), Ennore Port ( Coromondel International Limited Port Area ), Chennai Port, Mugaiyur port, Thiruchopuram port, Silambimangalam Shipyard, Parangipettai port, PY-03 Oil Field, Kaveri port, Vanagiri port, Thirukkadaiyur port, Thirukkuvalai port, Punnakkayal port, Udangudi port, Manappad port, Koodankulam port, Chettinad Tharangambadi Port, Mathur SIDCO Industrial area, Sipcot Industrial Park Malayambakkam