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Cyclopentyl Amine A.R.Grade

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Lab Chemical-60
Generic Name: 
Cyclopentyl Amine A.R.Grade
Product Description: 

Product Application: 

Product Procedure: 

Product Note: 

Product Technical Specification: 
Physical State Clear liquid
Appearance Clear colorless to yellow liquid
Odor Not available
pH Not available
Vapor Pressure Not available
Vapor Density Not available
Evaporation Rate Not available
Viscosity Not available
Boiling Point 106.0 - 108.0 deg C
Freezing/Melting Point Not available
Decomposition Temperature Not available
Solubility completely miscible with water
Specific Gravity/Density 8630g/cm3
Molecular Formula C5H9NH2
Molecular Weight 85.15
Product pack size: 
500 ml
Product alias: 
<p> Cyclopentyl Amine</p>

Cyclopentyl Amine A.R.Grade manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Cyclopentyl Amine A.R.Grade at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Cyclopentyl Amine A.R.Grade in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.

Product Delivery Locations: 
Kattupalli Port ( L & T Shipbuilding Limited shipyard ), Ennore Port ( Coromondel International Limited Port Area ), Chennai Port, Mugaiyur port, Thiruchopuram port, Silambimangalam Shipyard, Parangipettai port, PY-03 Oil Field, Kaveri port, Vanagiri port, Thirukkadaiyur port, Thirukkuvalai port, Punnakkayal port, Udangudi port, Manappad port, Koodankulam port, Chettinad Tharangambadi Port, Mathur SIDCO Industrial area, Sipcot Industrial Park Malayambakkam