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Carbon Cleaner has a unique quality of dissolving and displacing from the metal surface.
Carbon Remover 25 Ltrs-is a very effective metal degreaser that removes Heavy Carbon Deposits Oil, Grease, Dirt e.t.c from engine / auto components very easily and quickly.
CARBON cleaner is very active which eliminates the need for Scrubbing or Brushing which can cause mechanical damages to discs and result in poor performance ( This product is WATER SOLUBLE )
Main feature is Quickly dissolves deposits containing carbon, resins or varnishes; Eliminates need for hard scraping; Non flammable
This powerful action is based on a two –Layer mechanism. The top-layer prevents the evaporation of the volatile components in the button-layer. The button –layer removes the deposited substances. This way, the deposits are bind and trapped resulting to complete and safe removal.
Product Procedure:
Depending upon the deposition either concentrated or diluted .If used diluted use 1 part concentrate to 2-10 parts of water to yield a very effective end product. The components and machine parts are then dipped into the solvent / solution for 30 min. to 1 hr. Heavy deposition may need 12-24 hours , parts must be taken out from the bath and washed thoroughly with a high- pressure water supply jet system.
concentrated RXSOL-16-1003-025 is most effective product in its category due to its quick and complete action. can be applied for cleaning of highly soiled components. blocks, gear boxes, pistons, rings, valves, atomizers, pipes, burners, coolers, cylinder heads, injectors, tubes, oil filters , old paint and lacquers )
Delivery Locations : All Over India
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