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Description Price Sale Price Negotiate
Rustosol 10 Ltr 2,484.00 INR 1,242.00 INR Negotiate Price
Rustosol 05 Ltr 1,242.00 INR 621.00 INR Negotiate Price
Industrial Alcohol 3,501.00 INR 1,750.50 INR Negotiate Price
KT SOL PLUS Heavy Duty 63,360.00 INR 31,680.00 INR Negotiate Price
HBI CARGO Hold Wash Concentrate RX 28,350.00 INR 14,175.00 INR Negotiate Price
Drinking Water Additive 5,625.00 INR 2,812.50 INR Negotiate Price
RXSOL 2100 31,080.00 INR 15,540.00 INR Negotiate Price
Potable Water Corrosion Inhibitor 7,200.00 INR 3,600.00 INR Negotiate Price
Corrosion Inhibitor Carbon Dioxide and H2S 75,600.00 INR 37,800.00 INR Negotiate Price
Laboratory Chemicals 1,250.00 INR 625.00 INR Negotiate Price
FILM Cleaner (TR TA) Blue 4,500.00 INR 2,250.00 INR Negotiate Price
Poly Electrolyte Polyacrylamide 31,500.00 INR 15,750.00 INR Negotiate Price
Ferroxyl Test Kit for free IRON passivation 15,000.00 INR 7,500.00 INR Negotiate Price
Boiler Water Test Kit (Low Pressure Boiler) 315 7,200.00 INR 3,600.00 INR Negotiate Price
ROCCOR NB RXSOL With Indicator 37,800.00 INR 18,900.00 INR Negotiate Price
RXSOL 4000 7,650.00 INR 3,825.00 INR Negotiate Price
Phosphoric Acid 16,800.00 INR 8,400.00 INR Negotiate Price
RXSOL Zyme 700 FN 13,500.00 INR 6,750.00 INR Negotiate Price
Bleaching Liq 1 Ltr 72.00 INR 36.00 INR Negotiate Price
Calcium Hypo Chlorite 2,250.00 INR 1,125.00 INR Negotiate Price
Acidic Cleaner 2,680.00 INR 1,340.00 INR Negotiate Price
RXSOL ORG 5 . 10 Ltrs Packing 1,480.00 INR 740.00 INR Negotiate Price
RXSOL ORG 6 6,750.00 INR 3,375.00 INR Negotiate Price
Alkali Cleaner RXSOL ORG 6 5,040.00 INR 2,520.00 INR Negotiate Price
Boat Cleaner 1,800.00 INR 900.00 INR Negotiate Price
CHLOROSOL rx 90.00 INR 45.00 INR Negotiate Price
RXSOL ORG 7 5,400.00 INR 2,700.00 INR Negotiate Price
RXSOL ORG 8 35,100.00 INR 17,550.00 INR Negotiate Price
Drain Pipe Sewer Cleaner 216.00 INR 108.00 INR Negotiate Price
ROCCOR NB RXSOL Colour Indicator 5,400.00 INR 2,700.00 INR Negotiate Price
